
Posts Tagged ‘How2FindLove’

Homework 14 – You Can Only See What You See Inside

April 6, 2011 Leave a comment

I Hate You – Learning How to Love

Today I am going to talk about how to clear out negative thoughts. Have you realized that there are certain people that you just hate? You feel that they stand for everything that you despise. And why is that? I actually read this book: “Zero Limits”. In the book, the author said, you can only see things in others for the things that you see in yourself. What does that mean? Everyone is simply a projection of you. You feel certain ways towards others because that’s how you associate yourself with.

What is the quickest way to figure out your personality? Pick out 5 people that you hate and 5 people that you love. Then write it down on a piece of paper 2 reasons (why you hate or love) about each individual. Put down these 20 characteristics: 10 things you hate on the left and 10 things you love on the right. Take a closer look at that. What you see is who you are as an individual. Yes, that’s YOU.

What we hate about others are exactly the things that we hate ourselves for. What we love about others is the qualities that we wish to develop for ourselves and we haven’t tried hard enough.

Let me repeat this to sink in with example. For example, I really hate people who are emotional. And when I reflect on this long enough, I realize that it’s because I am very emotional myself. I hate the feeling of not being able to control my feeling. I love people who are free-spirited and spontaneous. I realize that it’s because I wish to be more like them sometimes. I always like to know where I stand and where I am going. This often leads to me becoming very controlling. So it’s just being more aware of who you are as individual.

Another thing is that to me, personality is like a color. For example, being helpful is the color blue. There is nothing great or bad about blue or helping out others. Some people might take that quality as being a doormat, and call him an easy pushover. Some people might call him as a great guy who is willing to help. It doesn’t matter. You see what I am saying. In the end it’s just a piece of his personality. And you are merely putting your opinion on it.

I personally don’t see people as just one single color. If I had to get artsy, I see people as paintings. You can tell a Monet’s work from let’s say Picasso’s. What I care about is the “entire painting itself”. How does this person make me feel as a multi-dimensional individual? Do I like the mixtures of his personality like whether I like the mood/vibe that this painting gives off? Do you see what I mean? In the end, it’s a personal choice. In the end, it’s about finding the right balance in someone.

So when you see someone you like, know why you do. When you meet someone that you disapprove of, take a step back and think about it: maybe you are just seeing things that you don’t like in yourself. There is nothing wrong with that person, so let’s start working on ourselves first. Have a great day everyone and remember to love yourself.

How do you properly evaluate your potential partner?

April 6, 2011 Leave a comment

Goal: Objectively looking at potential candidates for long term fit. People don’t change at least his/her core personality. As a result, you are better off knowing exactly the person he or she is (as of now).

Main Ideas:

  • How will he/she be like in long term?
  • What kind of person he/she really is?
  • How is his/her personality look like?
  • What is his/her life story?
  • What are his/her values?

Disclaimer: These are what I considered the best practices. It might not work for everyone. This method maybe flawed. People might look at this as unemotional and rational. I believe that this is one of the many ways to figure out what you really want in a partner and it has worked for me.

A comprehensive checklist: to make things easier I will use “he” rather than “he/she”. However, this checklist applies to both men and women.

  • Educational Background
  • Career Track
  • Relationship with his family (especially parents)
  • Relationship with his friends (mainly same sex friends)
  • Outlook in life (Temperament)
  • His core values
  • Long term fit (does he support your vision)
  • Is he presentable?
  • Does he have mentors (older and mature men guiding him)?

Educational Background: What Did He Do to Get to Where He Want to Go?

Where did he go to school? What did he study? The point here is not necessary neither the prestige of the school nor what are potential earning power of the area he chooses to study. It is more of figuring out his values. 

Let’s start from the kind of school he went to. For instance, he went to Ivy League. How did he get there? Did his parents pay for everything? Or is he the kind of kid who came from a poor/disadvantaged family and worked entire high school to pay for it himself? Did he study hard and did enough extracurricular activities to earn scholarships to get into school? And when he did do other things than study, what kind of extracurricular activities did he do? Is he a big community service person? Does he give back to his society? These are all the clues that reflect greatly on a person. I am more impressed with people who came from disadvantaged background, knowing what he wants and fighting his entire life to get to where he wants, over someone who got everything done for him without him really putting an effort.

Next, what did he study in college? It doesn’t matter whether it is Finance, Medicine, or Sociology, or even English? What matters the most to me is, is he passionate about that? Does he do it just for the money? Or does he see how his study will contribute society in a whole? Is he really passionate about what he is studying? Does he really believe that his study will change the world? These are things that I am impressed with.

Career Track: Without Passion You Can’t Go Anywhere

In this aspect, the main idea is to look for whether he is doing what he loves and how is he planning to achieve what he wants in life. I have seen a lot of guys complaining about their jobs and they are doing it for the money. Usually these guys get burn off pretty fast. Because they are doing something that they are not passionate about. This is also because it doesn’t reflect their values and inspirations in life.

A lot of CEO, Partners, MD that I have met, they are excited about what they do every day. You can see the passion in their eyes. They would do what they are doing even without getting paid. And it is this kind of passion that will pull you through hard times, long hours, and setbacks in life. Without that passion, it is very hard to become successful in any career. You are not always going to get what you want. People are going to doubt you and you are going meet a lot of failure and setback in life. But the people, who are successful in their career, are those who are optimistic and persistent.

Relationship with his family: You are going to be a part of his family in the future

If you wanted to know how he will treat you in long term, just observe the kind of relationship he has with his parents. This tells a lot about a guy. I have a lot of respect for people who love their family especially their parents. These are people who gave birth to you and at least raised you. I am sure some people had broken families or are not in good term with their parents. But the point is that we cannot control the cards we have been dealt in life but we can definitely react positively to create the outcome that we want in our lives.

The moral of the story is that if someone can’t even maintain a good relationship with his family, who has given him a lot in life, how can you really trust that he will treat you well (in the long run)? How can you be so sure that he won’t change his feelings for you? I have respect for guys who love his parents and family, and doing everything he can to create a better future “together” with them.

Relationship with his friends (mainly same sex friends): “Birds of a feather flock together”

I see a lot of my female friends overlook this area. They usually go after guys who have a lot of female friends because they want to snatch him away from other women. In the end, they realize that he is not really a good boyfriend material.

The reason that this is very important is similar to the point that I made before about family. Same sex friends don’t provide you the same incentives as being nice to opposite sex. With opposite sex, you can never be sure that whether he is doing things to get sex. Even if he said, we are just friends; you know that men want more than “just being friends”. But with same sex friends, there is no sexual tension (assuming that he is straight). With sex out of the way, you can really see a guy’s true colors.

Does he treat them well? What do they say about him behind his back? Are they reliable? These things tell you a lot about the guy that you are dating. I see a lot of guys calling someone as “their bros” and then badmouthing them behind. These are not men, they are boys. A man has the balls to say what he wants in front of others. Stay away from those guys if you can.

If you hear great things about a guy from his friends even when he is not around, you know that he is a catch. Most importantly, observe the kind of friends that he has. Are they full of lives and know what they want? Are they the kind of people that you like? There is a reason why people say “birds of a feather flock together”. Little clues like this will save you a lot of heart breaks in the future.

Outlook in life (Temperament): Two Things: Optimism and Persistence

You might be attracted to his emo personality in the beginning. You might enjoy the fact that he is a bad boy and you wanted to change him. In the end of the day, you will realize that he will never change. There are a few things about outlook in life that cannot be replaced. They are being optimistic and persistent. There are always going to be challenges in life. But positive people always get ahead because they are willing to fail. They are willing to take the hit and move on. And the next thing is being persistent. There is no substitute for that to become successful in life.

His core values: Two main things: Honesty and Loyalty.

Core values are like a person’s personality DNA. They affect judgments. People are defined by what they believe in. It’s like a map of your life. Without a proper map, you won’t be able to go where you want to go. Core values are like a compass guiding you in darkness of your life. Without that you can’t really go very far in life. So observe his values in life. Most importantly, see whether they match with your’s. His personality and core values are more important than everything else you know about him.

Long term fit (does he support your vision): Can you go on the life journey together with him

Some men are never met to settle down. Some men never grow up. You are just going to be wasting your time with them. You need to see whether he wants the same thing in life with you. Whether he wants to have a family? Where he wants to live? How he wants to start a family? What are things that are important to him? Does he like to enjoy life in the present? Or does he like to plan things for the long term? That’s very important in making a relationship works.

Is he presentable? Would you be comfortable taking him to see your parents or boss?

You know there are kind of guys that you are madly in love with but you know that your friends and family won’t like him at all. I think a great guy should be presentable. He can get goofy and funny with you but he should also be able to present himself well in front of people who are important to you. Or at least he should make an effort to do so. Because this tells you that he loves you enough and knows that making these people like him will make you happy. And that’s the thought that counts.

Does he have mentors (older and mature men guiding him)? No one did everything on their own

It’s important that your guy has mentors. That means that he is constantly seeking to improve his life. They are his teachers who are willing to help him. Having a great mentor also reflects well on him because these are his role models. Honestly, these are the kind of person he aspires to be in the next 10 to 15 years down the road. So know who his mentors are and what kind of person they are. Because you can pretty sure that he is going to turn out like them in the future.

How to be a better man?

April 6, 2011 Leave a comment

What a man cares about in his twenties determine his level of maturity…

[ √ ] 1. Having confidence and sophistication

[ √ ] 2. Developing a great habit of reading and writing

[ √ ] 3. Learning how to live with honesty, kindness and beauty

[ √ ] 4. Making friends with people who are continuously improving themselves

[ √ ] 5. Fixing bad habits and developing great ones

[ √ ] 6. Learning how to have patience and to forgive

[ √ ] 7. Staying positive (mentally) and keeping in shape (physically)

[ √ ] 8. Remembering to smile often and being a gentleman

[ √ ] 9. Going after the woman, the love of your life without any regrets

[ √ ] 10. Doing everything you can to get the kind of career you want

[ √ ] 11. Believing that you can be successful both in personal and professional lives

[ √ ] 12. Doing things better than women

[ √ ] 13. Helping your partner to realize her dreams

[ √ ] 14. Learning to have courage and taking responsibilities

[ √ ] 15. Having faith in yourself and learning never to give up

[ √ ] 1. Having confidence and sophistication

As a young man matures into adulthood, he needs to invest in himself. He needs to learn who he really is by figuring out his values in life. The most important quality for a confident man is having “class”. A confident man can weather any storm that life throws at him. He is courageous. He fears hardship and difficulties in life as everyone does. But he “chooses” to face them courageously. He conquers his own fears. When a man is confident you can literally feel him glowing. Friends and enemies alike can feel his presence. If you wanted people to have confidence in you, you must learn to be confident about yourself first. A man with confidence in himself can overcome any adversity that life throws at him.

A man with class is like an ocean. He never rejects others and willing to take people under his wings. He is long term greedy because he sees that there are more to life than short term benefits. He is generous with his time and kindness. My father uses to tell me that a strong man aspires to be a big tree to weather the storm for the smaller and older trees who can’t fence for themselves. A real man uses his power to empower others.

[ √ ] 2. Developing a great habit of reading and writing

When a man is in his twenties, he starts entering into society and learn to deal with others. Learning how to articulate your thoughts elegantly and effectively is the best way to influence others. A knowledgeable man is well-read. A wise man writes a lot. No matter how busy he gets, he always take time to read and write. Because reading and writing is one of the best ways to monitor your own thoughts. When you read, you learn new things. When you write, you have the chance to reflect your thoughts.

Every great man needs a great book. A good book is like a good friend. He can help you to reach your goals. Through reading great works, you learn to organize your thoughts better. I remember Socrates once said, “Employ your time in improving yourself by other men’s writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.” Everything you want in life, someone probably has already dealt with it before. So try to read about their stories and how they deal with their challenges in life, you will find their experience priceless.

Nothing is sexier than a man who is passionate in life. Being passionate is a lifestyle choice. It’s also action oriented. It says that “I am doing something about it.” Then adds on being persistence. A man who is passionately and persistently going after what he loves is truly a man I aspire to be. When a man constantly face challenges in his life daily and keep on working on them, he grows up. He becomes mature. He becomes a grown responsible man.

[ √ ] 3. Learning how to live with honesty, kindness and beauty

When a man is in his twenties, he needs to learn how to face with reality. He needs to live life honestly. It means that he can live with himself and his actions. He doesn’t lie to himself nor lie to others. “Honestly” meant honestly making a living. Honestly putting your nose down the grindstone and keep working for what you want.

Kindness means treating other with respect. And it always means taking care of yourself. Sometimes a little kindness can go a long way. Philosophically speaking, “life is not without beauty, we only need to train ourselves to see the beauty in it.” Life is the same way. Don’t focus on the negatives. You will attract more negatives things in your life. You think life is “unfair” because you can’t face life with positivity. Life is full of hope. When you look up in the sky, you will see the sun gently radiant its warm rays upon you. When you see life in a positive way, you will feel great from deep within.

[ √ ] 4. Making friends with people who are continuously improving themselves

When you are in your twenties, you finally have choices over the kind of people who want to be friends with. In our society, relationship is very important. And your circle of friends can have great impact on your life. A real man needs to have a lot of friends. Most important they have to be friends who want better things for you in life. I remember a famous quote that said,

“Be Selective: I just do not hang around anybody that I don’t want to be with. Period. For me, that’s been a blessing, and I can stay positive. I hang around people who are happy, who are growing, who want to learn, who don’t mind saying sorry or thank you… and [are] having a fun time.” ~ John Assaraf

Because making smart decisions on who you want to be friends with will change your life. My best friend used to tell me “you are average of five people you hang out with the most”. So spend time finding the right people in your life.

“Everyday people shape and influence your life. Find the right people and you’ll be a better person for it. Note: In most case you won’t have to look very hard.” ~ #40, The Rule of A Gentleman

But in order to make great friends, you need to first learn to give. You need to be sincerely got to know them. You need to give them your time, your true friendship and your sincerity. Because people who are really successful and who are really happy inside and out, can see through you very easily. If you were just using them, they will realize it soon enough. But if you truly want to know them and be their good friends, it will pay great dividends later in life. When you really need help, you will find many helping hands. When you are in a battle, you will find many great friends rush to your rescues. These things take time. Most importantly you need to learn to be a good friend to them in the first place.

[ √ ] 5. Fixing bad habits and developing great ones

As you grow up, you need to learn to fix your bad habits. Bad habits are well bad habits. They can be changed. If you have still have bad habits in your late twenties, it will deter your growth. You will miss a lot of great opportunities in life because of them. A few of the great habits I can think of is “being on time” and “keeping your words”. I really value that and it’s one of the yardsticks that I use in making friends.

If you still haven’t learned to rise early, you will never feel the sun warmth in the morning. If you still have not learn to execute your plans effectively and keep dragging on them, you will never get things done. If you were not motivated to learn new things in life, your future will be a very dark one, my friend. I believe that everyone want their lives to be better and to get better in life. To do so, you must constantly evolving.

[ √ ] 6. Learning how to have patience, and to forgive and forget

There are a lot of things that you can’t deal with in life. But you must learn to be patient. You need to learn how to forgive people. I remember Randy Paush (from the book, “Last Lecture”) said, “you wait long enough…. people will surprise and impress you. If you are pissed off at someone,” he said, “you haven’t waited long enough.”

Really successful men are really long term greedy. They are willing to take the hit. They are willing delay short term gratifications because they know that by doing so, they can achieve far greater things in life. They don’t whine or complain. They are only focus on their goals.

You need to forgive and forget not for the other peron who hurt you but for yourself. There is no point of holding such anger towards another person. It will poison your soul. You will get stuck at a point in your personal development. You will not be able to move forwards. In order to evolve further, you need to learn how to let things go. Someone hurted you, do what you needs to protect yourself and move on. Remember, you are doing this for yourself.

[ √ ] 7. Staying positive (mentally) and keeping in shape (physically)

As you grow older, you really need to take care your health. Your body is like a car engine. If you don’t take care of it, eventually things will start breaking down. And your mind is like the gasoline that fuels the engine. You need to put in quality gasoline (positive thoughts) for your engine (your body) to run effectively.

You can get up in the morning and try running every day. It won’t take much of your time. In fact if you were to exercise an hour a day, that’s only 4.16% less than 5% of your time. Would it be worth it to put in an 1 hour a day to really take care of yourself so that you can live longer? Of course it is.

Mentally, you can afford to lose battles in life. But you can’t lose “the drive and the will” to succeed and try. You only truly reject yourself when you give up on yourself. Once you can master your mind, you will be invincible.

[ √ ] 8. Remembering to smile often and being a gentleman

Remember to smile. It shows that you are a positive person. Remember to really smile from deep within. A great smile signals others that you want to get to know them. Don’t look sad and feel like it’s the end of the world all the time. It will only alienate you from other people. People judge you by the smile you put over your face.

People say that the devil is in the details. People usually only take a few minutes to get to know you and how you present yourself matters a lot. You might have missed the opportunities to meet a great mentor, make a great friend, or find the love of your life, just because… yes, because you don’t have a smile over your face. So smile often. :)

[ √ ] 9. Going after the woman, the love of your life without any regrets

It’s human nature to be loved. We all aspire to have someone who accepts us 100%. When a man truly falls in love, he is the most adorable being. When a girl doesn’t know that you are in love with her, take the appropriate time to express your love. You got to at least try. Whether she accepts or rejects you, that’s all depend on how hard you try and whether you guys are destined to be together. You need to understand that every woman wants to be with a man who truly loves her.

A real man understands that love cannot be forced. He needs to know that if she can’t be his partner, he still needs to make sure he doesn’t lose her as a friend, because still maintaining a healthy relationship with someone you love is a wonderful thing. Love is holy because it cannot be forced. Because people have a choice on whom they want to be with. It’s a matter of principle. You have to accept, honor and respect her decision. But if you really tried hard to go after what you want, you will not have any regrets in your life.

[ √ ] 10. Doing everything you can to get the kind of career you want

A real man must been career oriented. His career doesn’t need to impressive or grand. But it must have results. It must be something that he can pride himself of, “I did this on my own. I did my best for this.” A career oriented man, is also a man who wants to win, and also a responsible man. An ambitious man doesn’t want to be conventional. A responsible man, never afraid of hardship. He prides himself on things that he builds with his own hands and that’s make people respect him for what he is made of.

In order to gain something, you must give up something. If you wanted to be successful, you must labor industriously. If you are hesitant to give up something, you are just going to lose more down the road. And you might end up with nothing. I remember reading a quote that said, ‎”People cannot gain anything without sacrificing something. You must present something of equal value in order to gain something. That is the principle of equivalent exchange in alchemy.” ~ Edward Elric, Fullmetal Alchemist

[ √ ] 11. Believing that you can be successful both in personal and professional lives

A great man is a great manager. He will be able to balance his personal and professional lives. People always say that you can’t have both things in life. In order to do well in career, you must give up your personal life and vice versa. But the most successful people I have met are really well-rounded individuals.

Most of my mentors are Partners, CEOs and Managing Directors at major corporations. They are happily married and have a wonderful family. They make things work because they communicate well with their family about the importance of their work in building the family. In the meantime, they work smarter to make time for their families. And I really aspire to be just like them. I really believe that a happy husband makes the most productive worker.

[ √ ] 12. Doing things better than women

If you were a real man, you need to do things better than women. This is not to say that women are weaker than men. It is to say that women are outshining men because they work harder. If a man were to work as hard as a woman, he can definitely do better. In today’s society, women have begun to have higher socioeconomic status and they finally have a choice on who they want to be with.

So if you were a man and you can’t do better than her, why would you she picks you? So as a man, we got to try harder. A friend of mine (Irene) told me that, “I want my man to be like my back-rock. I want him to be strong and reliable so that I can count/rely on him. I need him to be physically strong and emotionally mature.” That sticks with me.

[ √ ] 13. Helping your partner to realize her dreams

As a grown man and if you were married, you also have responsibility to help your partner to realize her dreams. Because that’s what a real man does. Someone said, “A man needs to take over the world to conquer a woman. And a woman need to conquer a man to take over the world.” That being said, for a woman whom you have sworn to protect, its only logical for you to help her realize her dreams.

You can’t let her forget about who she wants to be or where she needs to be just because she decides to be with you. You can’t let her make you the top priority in her life that she forgets about herself. Behind every great man, there is a great woman. Similarly, a great women is the core of a man well being. Whether a woman feels happy in her marriage really depends on whether a man cares about her. And a really caring and understanding husband knows what his wife’s dreams are. Most importantly, he actively help her to realize her dreams. That’s makes him a great husband that I aspire to be.

[ √ ] 14. Learning to have courage and taking responsibilities

As you grow older, you need to take responsibilities. You need to learn to put the weight of the world over your shoulder. Yes you must first learn to take care of yourself. Then taking care of your parents is your job. Loving and caring for your wife and children is your responsibility. Building a successful career is also a man’s job. So a man’s job is not just about taking care of his family and building his career but learning to deal with the weight of his responsibility. That’s because a real man have the courage to shoulder the responsibilities. And there is nothing to complain about because that’s what being a man is really about.

A man can cry but he doesn’t have the rights to grief loudly. A man have the rights to shed tears, but he doesn’t have the rights to do that in front of his parents, his wife and loved ones because if he falls down and breaks down, who else can they rely on? A man has the rights to give up, but he doesn’t have the rights to give up on his family and his career. As a real man, you have no choices but to shoulder your responsibilities.

[ √ ] 15. Having faith in yourself and learning never to give up

As you grow older, you have to learn to have faith in yourself. Because you allow people to reject you when you reject yourself first. If you never give up on yourself, people will not give up on you. You have to believe with everything you have that you are a man who can raise against all odds and adversities. If you don’t even believe in yourself, you have already lost the war.

So believe in yourself. You are unique and great. You can do anything you want in your life, if and only you put your heart and mind to you. Most importantly, never give up. When a door closes, another one will open. You just have to keep moving.

Source: translated and edited from a news article.

In Chinese:

For Chinese Readers, The Original Article.































