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Homework 14 – You Can Only See What You See Inside

I Hate You – Learning How to Love

Today I am going to talk about how to clear out negative thoughts. Have you realized that there are certain people that you just hate? You feel that they stand for everything that you despise. And why is that? I actually read this book: “Zero Limits”. In the book, the author said, you can only see things in others for the things that you see in yourself. What does that mean? Everyone is simply a projection of you. You feel certain ways towards others because that’s how you associate yourself with.

What is the quickest way to figure out your personality? Pick out 5 people that you hate and 5 people that you love. Then write it down on a piece of paper 2 reasons (why you hate or love) about each individual. Put down these 20 characteristics: 10 things you hate on the left and 10 things you love on the right. Take a closer look at that. What you see is who you are as an individual. Yes, that’s YOU.

What we hate about others are exactly the things that we hate ourselves for. What we love about others is the qualities that we wish to develop for ourselves and we haven’t tried hard enough.

Let me repeat this to sink in with example. For example, I really hate people who are emotional. And when I reflect on this long enough, I realize that it’s because I am very emotional myself. I hate the feeling of not being able to control my feeling. I love people who are free-spirited and spontaneous. I realize that it’s because I wish to be more like them sometimes. I always like to know where I stand and where I am going. This often leads to me becoming very controlling. So it’s just being more aware of who you are as individual.

Another thing is that to me, personality is like a color. For example, being helpful is the color blue. There is nothing great or bad about blue or helping out others. Some people might take that quality as being a doormat, and call him an easy pushover. Some people might call him as a great guy who is willing to help. It doesn’t matter. You see what I am saying. In the end it’s just a piece of his personality. And you are merely putting your opinion on it.

I personally don’t see people as just one single color. If I had to get artsy, I see people as paintings. You can tell a Monet’s work from let’s say Picasso’s. What I care about is the “entire painting itself”. How does this person make me feel as a multi-dimensional individual? Do I like the mixtures of his personality like whether I like the mood/vibe that this painting gives off? Do you see what I mean? In the end, it’s a personal choice. In the end, it’s about finding the right balance in someone.

So when you see someone you like, know why you do. When you meet someone that you disapprove of, take a step back and think about it: maybe you are just seeing things that you don’t like in yourself. There is nothing wrong with that person, so let’s start working on ourselves first. Have a great day everyone and remember to love yourself.

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